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Learning Center selection for the ESSEC Disability Awareness Week






Next week is the ESSEC Disability Awareness Week, the Learning Center has selected some references for you about these topics!

The ESSEC Disability Awareness Week takes place from the 7th to the 11th of March 2016. Its purpose is to raise awareness and professionalize students through meetings, encounters, workshops, in a ludic and interactive spirit, but also in a professional way. This week is open to professors and collaborators of ESSEC.

This week allows ESSEC participants who attend at least 6 of the 9 sessions to participate at a quizz assessing their knowledge about disability after which they can obtain the Disability & Talent Certificate. With the sharp increase of companies engaged in corporate social responsibility policies, this reference represents a Plus in your resume.

For more details about ESSEC commitment to these issues, have a look at