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K-lab training sessions, a few numbers for the start of the school year


The start of the school year is each time a highlight for the K-lab team. Every year we accompany the 1st-year students of different programs. We aim to introduce them to their learning environment (on campus and online) as well as the resources and services available to them. Emphasis is also placed on training in information research, a key skill for any student joining Essec.

This year, the training team has shown agility and flexibility in responding to the particular challenges imposed by the Covid pandemic health conditions by organizing support and a non-degraded training offer to students while respecting the prevention measures.

To take up this challenge, we have exploited all the pedagogical and technical methods available within the school, thus enabling us to offer :

  • A Dual Teaching course combined with distance group coaching sessions for BBA 1 students that constitute the documentary research workshop which is part of the Geopolitics course,
  • A 100% online "Toolkit for research" session combining theory and practice for Pre-Master's students as part of the “Comprendre et Changer le Monde” (CCM) seminar.
  • A brand new "Onboarding with K-lab" remote module provided for each MS-MSc program.

By the end of this special September, the K-lab training team has trained nearly 1600 students
