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Free certification on more than 4000 Coursera MOOCs

Update (January 13th, 2021) : Coursera has extended its "Coronavirus Response Initiative" until April 30th, 2021

The entire ESSEC community can exceptionally benefit from the free certification experience on more than 4000 MOOCs Coursera. Take advantage of thousands of courses on a variety of subjects, offered by the world's top universities and earn certificates by completing courses in order to have your brand new knowledge recognized.

Register via this link dedicated to the ESSEC community, and click on “log in with ESSEC”. Your will automatically be detected. You have until April 30th 2021 to enroll in courses and complete them in order to receive the free certification.

The following MOOCs are only a tiny selection of all the courses you can access through this offer:

small_mooc_business_english.png Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone (Georgia Institute of Technology)
small_leadership.png Leadership Through Social Influence (Northwestern University)
small_chatbot.png Building AI Powered Chatbots Without Programming (IBM)
small_graphic_design.png Fundamentals of Graphic Design (California Institute of the Arts)