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iMagination Week 2017


For the sixth year in a row, ESSEC is preparing to spread the spirit of iMagination Week across the Cergy campusThis year, more than 700 students from our Management MA cycle will join us, from January 2 to 6, 2017, with an even richer program on the theme of “Shaping the city-state: Politics, policy and societyunder the patronage of Marie Trellu Kane (E94), president and cofounder of Unis-Cité and Jean-Luc Petithuguenin (E79), CEO of Paprec Group.

iMagination Week is based on a pedagogy specifically developed for our students and whose aim is -as is ESSEC’s- to train individuals who are as free as they are responsible, as imaginative as they are realistic. The goal of this week is to help them understand that the ideal society of the future can only become a reality by their applying their imagination and their commitment. That is why, to nourish our students’ creativity, we expose them to challenging people who are all recognized in their respective fields.

The Learning Center selected for you some documents about the topics that will be discussed this week. The selection will be on display at the Learning Center entrance from Monday, August 29th on.

You can also take a look at our journals and magazines, online or print, and at our ebooks!

And of course, the reference desk is always here to help you with your project. Feel free to ask us for personalised advice: which resources are best to find a specific type of information, how to chose keywords, how to know if a source is reliable and how to cite it… We have the answer to all of these questions and much more! You can also contact us through email, phone or chat.

The program and information about iMagination Week will be soon available on:

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For more information about the speakers:


Dr Jean Louis Etienne, physician and explorer, will speak about pioneering spirit and tenacity.

Rob Spence, canadian filmmaker et transhuman, will share with us his cyborg experience and his projects.


Prof. Heinz Wismannphilologist et philosopher, will explain the importance of thinking through the languages.

Jean-Baptiste Lecaillon, Executive Vice-President and Winemaker at Maison Louis Roederer, will share some of his secrets and take us to the unique world of champagne.

iw17_jean-baptiste_lecaillon.png© Luc Manago

Prof. Jean Jouzelclimatologist et glaciologist (co-recipient of Nobel Peace Prize 2007), will awaken our consciousness about climate as the main issue of tomorrow’s city.

Dr Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, nutritionist physician et co-director of Buchinger clinics (Germany and Spain), will enlighten us  about the art of fasting.


Michael Lonsdale, French actor who received a César for best supporting role in Des hommes et des Dieux, will exchange with students about the importance of voice and presence on stage.

C215, street artist and stencil artist, will unveil and comment his amazing and engaged work.
