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The FinLab, a new area dedicated to Finance

The objective of the ESSEC FinLab is to provide students with access to the Bloomberg database. It is equipped with 12 terminals and provides access to all available listings for the money market, foreign exchange, commodities and derivatives markets. Other equipment contributes to a complete immersion in a trading room: curved Samsung screens, a continuous financial information screen that allows users to follow market developments and the latest news in real time, and finally, a screen for the continuous broadcasting of the Bloomberg channel.


The FinLab will open on Tuesday, February 5th. It is accessible to all during the opening hours of the K-lab. 

"The FinLab is a major asset for ESSEC researchers and finance students. From a research perspective, it provides an easy access to financial data which are essential to research projects in both corporate and market finance. From a teaching point of view, students can use the room for their applied work in a professional context. In addition, the FinLab is a key tool for students representing ESSEC at the CFA Research Challenge. Given the extensive use of Bloomberg data in trading rooms of portfolio management and consulting companies, a good knowledge of Bloomberg is now a key factor for our future graduates to get hired."
Jocelyn Martel
Professor, Finance Department
Co-Director, Chair ESSEC - AMUNDI Chair on Asset & Risk Management

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